Co-deposition, JET-ILW: ToF-ERDA, spatial blocks ILW-3
Published: 18 December 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cgg3sfk7k4.1
Petter Ström, Per Petersson, Anna Widdowson, Gennady Sergienko, Elżbieta Fortuna-Zaleśna, Marek RubelDescription
ToF-ERDA data from spatial blocks 8, 9 (ILW-3), side facing towards ("Side C") and 90 degrees ("Side A") from plasma. Data provided as list-files (.lst) and histogram files (.mpa) from FAST MPA-3 data acquisition system. Calibration files for C, Mo and AlO fluorescent screen included.
Fusion Reactor, Ion Beam