Arabidopsis transcriptome dataset of the response of imbibed wild-type and glucosinolate-deficient seeds to nitrogen-containing compounds
Supplementary Table 1. General Statistics Report from mapping rates obtained with MultiQC tool following Salmon quasi-mapping algorithm. Wild-type and GSL mutant Arabidopsis seeds (qko, cyp79B2/B3 and myb28/29) in dry state, or 6h imbibed state in water or in KNO₃ 10mM or KSCN 8µM. REP: biological replicate. % Aligned: % Mapped reads; M Aligned: Mapped reads (millions); %Dups: % Duplicate reads; % GC: Average % GC content; M Seqs: Total Sequences (millions).
Steps to reproduce
These data contain transcriptomic response of seed to nitrogen compounds using GSL deficient mutants. The dataset is providing new insights and allows understanding of the regulatory mechanisms related to the contribution of nitrogen metabolism in seed quality. How the data were acquired: Mutants and WT seeds were collected from Arabidopsis Col-0 genetic background. Briefly, RNA extraction was made from dry -and 6h imbibed seeds and RNA samples were sent to Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI, The library construction was made by BGI and paired-end reads were sequenced using the sequencing platform DNBseq™. Bioinformatic analyses were performed using Salmon (version 0.14.1), FastQC and DESeq2 programs. Results were illustrated using MultiQC tool, the online Venn Diagram tool ( and volcano plots using ggplot2 (version 3.4.0) package in R studio (version 4.2.0).