Data for "Subducted serpentinite contributes to the formation of arc lavas with heavy Mo isotopic composition"

Published: 7 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ch9y7gtjp9.1


Raw data for all figures in the manuscript "Subducted serpentinite contributes to the formation of arc lavas with heavy Mo isotopic composition". It includes measured trace element compositions for the USGS rock standards W-2a and BHVO-2 in this study (Table S1); Measured Mo contents and isotopes for NIST 3134, seawater and AGV-2 in this study (Table S2); The peak pressure-temperature conditions, major-trace element contents and Mo isotopic compositions of the studied serpentinites, high-pressure meta-serpentinite veins and meta-peridotites (Table S3); Summary of input parameters for the mixing calculations to understand how much subducted serpentinite or associated fluids are added to the mantle source of arc lavas with heavy Mo isotopes (Table S4).



Geochemistry, Isotope Geochemistry, Stable Isotope
