Dataset to run spatial mark-recapture model to estimate woodrat survival rates and movement of the hybrid zone. The data are in an RData file with the objects in the file described below.
Steps to reproduce
Code to run associated model can be found at: https://github.com/kevintshoemaker/woodrat-hybridzone NOTE: please contact Dr. M. Matocq at UNR for access to the full data set used for these analyses. ###Data in file # D2 - [k,k] array; Squared distance between quadrant centers (quandrant center defined as the average x and y coordinates of all houses in a quadrant) # eff.per - [k, t] array; Number of trap-nights trapped in each quadrant for each period # firstQuad - [i] array; Initial quadrant where each individual was first trapped # firsts - [i] array; The first period each individual was captured (when the enter the population) # ind.quad.per - [i,t,k] array; Capture history of each individual, period, and quadrant # isFu - [i] array; Logical indicating whether an individual is of the N. fuscipes type # isHyb - [i] array; Logical indicating whether an individual is of the hybrid type # isJuv - [i, t] array; Logical indicating whether an individual is a juvenile in a given period # isMa - [i] array; Logical indicating whether an individual is of the N. macrotis type # isMale - [i] array; Logical indicating whether an individual is a male # mast.std - [i] array; standardized covariate of acorn mast abundance from previous year # nindG - numeric; total number of individuals ever captured # nperiodsG - numeric; total number of periods # nquad - numeric; total number of quadrants # perioddurG - [t-1] array; duration (in fraction of a year) between current period and the previous (from median date to median date) # precipspring.std - numeric; standardized covariate of spring precipitation # precipwinter.std - numeric; standardized covariate of winter precipitation # prop.per.Fu - [t,k] array; relative proportion of N. fuscipes (compared to other types) in each period and quadrant (some values were interpolated when a quadrant was not surveyed, this was done to improve model convergence for movement probabilities and does not affect survival estimates) # prop.per.hyb - [t,k] array; relative proportion of hybrids (compared to other types) in each period and quadrant (some values were interpolated when a quadrant was not surveyed, this was done to improve model convergence for movement probabilities and does not affect survival estimates) # prop.per.Ma - [t,k] array; relative proportion of N. macrotis (compared to other types) in each period and quadrant (some values were interpolated when a quadrant was not surveyed, this was done to improve model convergence for movement probabilities and does not affect survival estimates) # trapped - [t,k] array; which qudrants were sampled in each period # trapped.num - [t] array; number of quadrants sampled in each period