Dataset for predicting competitive advantage through intellectual capital
This data describes the intellectual capital and competitive advantage in the hospitality industry. The intellectual capital in its three dimensions (human capital, structural capital, and relational capital) is evident to improve the competitive advantage of hotels in that industry in Jordan. The dataset consists of 378 observations of operational employees and tactical managers in the hotel sector in the capital city; Amman, through a convenience sampling approach in Q4, 2021. Each observation represents a full response to an online survey instrument, which included a total of 21 reflective items to measure the intellectual capital dimensions (human capital = 5 items, structural capital = 5 items, and relational capital = 6 items) and the competitive advantage (with 5 items). In addition, 3 demographic variables were included to describe the sample profile of the study (Gender, Education and job title/position). The five-point Likert scale (ranging between the scores 1: strongly disagree and 5: strongly agree) was used to measure the responses. The research items and constructs were validated through face validity measure through a panel of scholars in the field and through statistical means for the convergent, construct, discriminant validity and reliability measures. This dataset can have a significant value for research and practice in management sciences, information sciences and organizational behaviour in the hotels industry. In specific, this dataset can be used to predicate the competitive advantage of hotels and to identify the intellectual capital levels of individuals and organizations in order to develop the intellectual capacity building and development towards achieving a competitive advantage for hotels in many regions.