Validation of the Hungarian Passion Scale

Published: 3 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cjr2764jhv.1
Attila Szabo


We validate the Passion Scale in 729 Hungarian adults aged 18-78, comprising both physically active and inactive individuals, with 68% being female. Confirmatory Factor Analysis confirms the scale's unidimensional structure in the Hungarian context (PS-8-HU), displaying strong model fit (CFI=.98, TLI=.97, RMSEA [90% CI] =.08 [.067, .097], SRMR=.02). No notable gender differences were found, indicating applicability across sexes. Nonetheless, metric invariance was observed in the physically active/non-active group comparison. Internal consistency of PS-8-HU was high at .93, with an average variance extracted of .63 and an average inter-item correlation of .62. Test-retest reliability yielded a robust coefficient of .77. Furthermore, PS-8-HU exhibited favorable concurrent and construct validities, supported by item statistics revealing high homogeneity and satisfactory discriminant validity. Overall, PS-8-HU demonstrates robust psychometric properties.


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Psychology, Motivation, Questionnaire, Psychometrics, Exercise Psychology
