Coastal Vulnerability Assessment, Sunderbans

Published: 23 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ckf3jk99dh.1
Bijoya Ganguli


The files include data pertaining to the indicators of vulnerability, the logic and methodology in developing the vulnerability scores and the calculations in computing the Composite Coastal Vulnerability Index. There are seven Ecological Vulnerability indicators considered for the computation of the Ecological Vulnerability Index and the data for these indicators were derived by processing geospatial data in GIS. Sixteen socio-economic vulnerability indicators were selected for formulating the Socio-economic Vulnerability Index. These indicators were grouped into three categories for the analysis - Standard of Living, Socio-economic Status and Status of Health and Education. The data for these indicators were sourced from primary and secondary sources. Vulnerability indices were computed by assigning appropriate weightages to the indicators and multiplying the weightages with the vulnerability scores. The Ecological Vulnerability and Socio-economic Vulnerability indices were combined to compute the Composite Coastal Vulnerability Index.



Climate Change Adaptation, Ecological Vulnerability, Coastal Management
