National Strategic Reference Framework (N.S.R.F.) 2007-2013, Greece Data for R&D projects: Indicators of absorption, evaluation and effectiveness
Published: 15 July 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ckrbcfmmbw.1
vagelis makrivelios, George Mavrotas, Evangelos MakryveliosDescription
National Strategic Reference Framework (N.S.R.F.) 2007-2013, Greece Data for R&D projects: Indicators of absorption, evaluation and effectiveness Primary Research Data for all R&D projects Public expenditure by R.T.D.I. sector and beneficiary, by Sector and subsector R.T.D.I, by Region and Beneficiary, by Operational Program, by Regional Operational Program, public expenditure by beneficiary Descriptive data of result indicators for the implemented research projects of the programming period 2007-2013
National Technical University of Athens
Economics, Finance, Public Administration