Supplementary data for the article: Lightella neohaematopini: A new lineage of highly reduced endosymbionts coevolving with chipmunk lice of the genus Neohaematopinus
Alignments: 1. Phylogenetic matrix - concatenated matrix of 14 ortholog sequences (AA) extracted from representative set of available proteomes for each major lineage of Enterobacteriales (analyzed by PhyML, MrBayes and PhyloBayes) in a fasta format 2. Coevolutionary matrix (5 proteins) - concatenated matrix of 5 ortholog sequences (AA) extracted from 12 assemblies of L. neohaematopini (analyzed by PhyML and MrBayes) in a fasta format 3. Coevolutionary matrix (50 proteins) - concatenated matrix of 50 ortholog sequences (AA) extracted from 11 assemblies of L. neohaematopini (analyzed by PhyML) in a fasta format 4. Neisseriales matrix - concatenated matrix of 30 ortholog sequences (AA) extracted from representative set of available proteomes for Neisseriales (analyzed by PhyML and MrBayes) in a fasta format 5. Host matrices - individual matrices for 1,107 nuclear loci from Bell et al. 2021 (analyzed by IQ-TREE) in a fasta format Phylogenetic trees folder: Phylogenetic trees generated by PhyML, MrBayes and PhyloBayes in a newick format. KO numbers folder: KO numbers generated by BLAST KOALA server for corresponding genomes. Annotations folder: Annotations of the genome drafts for the five best assemblies in gbk format. Detailed description of used methods can be found in the Materials and Methods section.
Steps to reproduce
Alignments: 1. Phylogenetic matrix - concatenated matrix of 14 ortholog sequences (AA) extracted from representative set of available proteomes for each major lineage of Enterobacteriales (analyzed by PhyML, MrBayes and PhyloBayes) in a fasta format 2. Coevolutionary matrix (5 proteins) - concatenated matrix of 5 ortholog sequences (AA) extracted from 12 assemblies of L. neohaematopini (analyzed by PhyML and MrBayes) in a fasta format 3. Coevolutionary matrix (50 proteins) - concatenated matrix of 50 ortholog sequences (AA) extracted from 11 assemblies of L. neohaematopini (analyzed by PhyML) in a fasta format 4. Neisseriales matrix - concatenated matrix of 30 ortholog sequences (AA) extracted from representative set of available proteomes for Neisseriales (analyzed by PhyML and MrBayes) in a fasta format 5. Host matrices - individual matrices for 1,107 nuclear loci from Bell et al. 2021 (analyzed by IQ-TREE) in a fasta format Phylogenetic trees folder: Phylogenetic trees generated by PhyML, MrBayes and PhyloBayes in a newick format. KO numbers folder: KO numbers generated by BLAST KOALA server for corresponding genomes. Annotations folder: Annotations of the genome drafts for the five best assemblies in gbk format. Detailed description of used methods can be found in the Materials and Methods section.