Data for: Encouraging energy efficiency adoption in small businesses: A case-study investigation with independent retail

Published: 26 November 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ckwps34mjs.1
David Kenington


The attached data files contain 1. Energy Audit data for three retailers (3x files, filenames "Significant Energy Users"), which provide energy use data for all three retailers involved in the study. These were undertaken using the SEAI small business energy audit spreadsheet template. They also include calculations which were performed to quantify energy efficiency opportunities for discussion with retailers in follow up interviews. 2. Energy Efficiency Opportuninties worksheets (3x files, filenames "EE Opportunities worksheet") - which shows the printed worksheet of summarised energy use and energy efficiency opportunities presented to and discussed with each retailer during follow up interviews. 3. Retailer topic guide write up sheets (1x file) - write up of each interview with the three retailers involved with the study (2x interviews per retailer).



Social Sciences, Energy Audit
