Proxy for historical CO2 emissions related to centralised electricity generation in Europe

Published: 9 March 2021| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/cmngb4vdb5.3
Leon Schwenk-Nebbe


This repository contains a dataset of calculated historical CO2 emissions related to public electricity generation in all EU-27 countries plus Great Britain and Norway for the period from 1990 to 2018. Furthermore, it contains figures and charts visualising the data and all scripts necessary to reproduce the dataset.


Steps to reproduce

To reproduce both the dataset found in the dataset folder and the accompanying figures found in the figures folder see the code files in the scripts folder. Scripts: The computation is split into three steps that each are given as a stand-alone Jupyter Notebook/JupyterLab file: The file data_1_calculation.ipynb contains the routines for reading in the raw data, selecting the relevant quantities, and computing the emission proxies found in the dataset folder. The file data_2_visualisation.ipynb includes steps to produce the figures visualising the CO2 emission development for both the European countries together and as single figures for each country. Lastly, the file data_3_validation.ipynb is used for the validation of the computed proxies. In order to run the scripts, it is recommended to use Python 3.7 running through JupyterLab 3.0.7 with the packages NumPy 1.19.1, Pandas 1.1.1, Pyxlsb 1.0.8, and Matplotlib 3.3.4. Required data: Each script lists the required input data. For completeness, it is also listed here. The dataset is based primarily on national emission statistics reported by the European countries themselves. These emissions are taken from the UNFCCC emission inventory provided by the European Environment Agency (EEA) [1]. Historical energy balances from Eurostat [2] are used to disentangle the emission statistics. In the final step, data from the JRC Integrated Database of the European Energy System (JRC-IDEES) database [3] is used to validate the calculated proxy on a narrower time period. Known applications: Parts of the dataset are applied in [4] to assess the effects of potential global and national CO2 quota attributions in the European electricity system of the near future. References: [1] [dataset] European Environment Agency (EEA), National emissions reported to the UNFCCC and to the EU Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism., 2020 (accessed 10 February 2021). [2] [dataset] Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat), Energy balances, Energy Balances in the MS Excel file format (2020 edition)., 2020 (accessed 10 February 2021). [3] [dataset] Mantzos, L.; Matei, N.A.; Mulholland, E.; Rózsai, M.; Tamba, M.; Wiesenthal, T., JRC-IDEES 2015. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), v1, 2018 (accessed 1 February 2021): [4] Schwenk-Nebbe, L.J.; Victoria, M.; Andresen, G.B.; Greiner, M., CO2 quota attribution effects on the European electricity system comprised of self-centred actors, Advances in Applied Energy, 2021, 100012,


Aarhus Universitet


Electricity, Energy Balance, Carbon Dioxide, Emissions, Emission Inventory
