Problemas Preseleccionados en la Olimpiada Hondureña de Química celebrada en 2022
The Honduran Chemistry Olympiad 2022 (OHQ 2022) was an academic contest held at the Instituto Álvaro Contreras in the city of Santa Rosa de Copán from September 30 to October 3, 2022. On October 1st, the Honduran Chemistry Olympiad 2022 exam was held in the auditorium of the Institute, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 12:00 p.m., with a duration of 3 hours. For the intermediate level the exam had 8 exercises and for the basic level 5 exercises, with questions and problems on organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry and physicochemistry. Fifty-three students from the departments of Atlántida, Copán, Colón, Cortés, El Paraíso, Francisco Morazán, Santa Bárbara and Yoro participated. The problems were contextualized based on the city of Santa Rosa de Copán, the students combined the knowledge provided in the context with chemistry scientific knowledge to generate answers. In this record the answers of all the students and supplementary information are offered. Our hope is that these data will be utilized in future research related to the chemistry education in Honduras.
Claro Café Centro SRC
Dirección Departamental de Educación de Copán
Canal 30 - Copán TV
Megavisión CANAL 28 | Santa Rosa de Copán
Aníbal Erazo Alvarado - Alcalde Municipal de Santa Rosa de Copán
Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
PILARH OPDF - La Microfinanciera Rural de Honduras
Cooperativa de Ahorro y Credito ELGA Ltda
Secretaría de Educación de Honduras
Hotel Cielo Maya
Instituto Álvaro Contreras