COVID-ASSESS Italy - COVID19 related Anxiety and StreSs in prEgnancy, poSt-partum and breaStfeeding
The COVID-ASSESS questionnaire (COVID-19 related Anxiety and StreSs in prEgnancy, poSt-partum and breaStfeeding) was developed by Claudia Ravaldi (psychiatrist and psychotherapist) and Alfredo Vannacci (pharmacologist and epidemiologist) and uploaded as an online survey using the Surveymonkey platform ( The survey was distributed via CiaoLapo Foundation, an Italian charity for perinatal loss support, using existing networks and support groups across Italy. The network of CiaoLapo Foundation comprises women and couples affected by perinatal loss, as well as numerous associations, organizations and groups dealing with healthy pregnancy and perinatal health. Data were collected during phase 1 and phase 2 of COVID-19 lockdown in Italy (March, April and May 2020). Participants voluntarily self-selected to complete the survey. In order to address issues of women who were either pregnant, breastfeeding or caring for newborns or infants during COVID-19 lockdown, participants were considered eligible to complete the survey if over 18 and (a) currently pregnant or if (b) they gave birth after the 1st January 2019. Consent was provided at the start of the survey once participants had read the participant information and met the eligibility criteria. The survey was launched, and data collected during national COVID-19 lockdown in Italy. Human research ethical approval to conduct the survey was received from Florence University ethics committee (Prot. n. 006897). The survey consisted of questions across several key areas including: ●Sociodemographic information ●Section (A) anamnestic variables (comorbidities, previous losses, history of psychological disorders) ●Section (B) birth expectations before and after COVID-19 ●Section (C) concerns regarding pandemic consequences ●Section (D) breastfeeding ●Section (E) perception of media and health professionals’ information and communication on COVID-19 ●Section (F) psychometric evaluation. Women were also asked to provide three words to describe their expectations for their birth experiences before and after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-ASSESS raw data are shared under CC BY NC 3.0. You are free to use data for scientific research, providing you attribute appropriately and do not use the material for commercial purposes. Any publication derived from the use of these data must cite this dataset, and must be shared and discussed before submission with the members of COVID-ASSESS steering committee, Claudia Ravaldi and Alfredo Vannacci (PeaRL Perinatal Research Laboratory, University of Florence and CiaoLapo Foundation for Perinatal Health) who must be included as co-authors in all publications using data derived from COVID-ASSESS survey.
Steps to reproduce
COVID-ASSESS.dta is a file for STATA IC 16.1 COVID-ASSESS raw data are shared under CC BY NC 3.0. You are free to use data for scientific research, providing you attribute appropriately and do not use the material for commercial purposes. Any scientific publication derived from the use of these data must cite this dataset, and must be shared and discussed before submission with the members of COVID-ASSESS steering committee, Claudia Ravaldi and Alfredo Vannacci (PeaRL Perinatal Research Laboratory, University of Florence and CiaoLapo Foundation for Perinatal Health) who must be included as co-authors in all publications using data derived from COVID-ASSESS survey.