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Version 3

HM-B Experiment at Mont Terri URL (Experimental Data and Numerical Models)

Published:25 February 2021|Version 3|DOI:10.17632/vnkpx3n6kh.3
Contributors:Kavan Khaledi, Pooya Hamdi, Lisa Winhausen, Mohammadreza Jalali,
, Florian Amann


The "HM-B experiment" folder contains the measured pore pressure data during the overcoring experiement presented in K. Khaledi, H. Hamdi, L. Winhausen, M. Jalali and F. Amann, "Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Analysis of an Overcoring Experiment in Opalinus Clay- Part 1: Experimental Results", which has been submitted for possible publication in Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth. The "Numerical_Simulation" folder contains the setup and the results of the numerical models presented in K. Khaledi, H. Hamdi, L. Winhausen, M. Jalali and F. Amann, "Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Analysis of an Overcoring Experiment in Opalinus Clay- Part 2: Numerical Simulation", which has been submitted for possible publication in Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth. The files "tunnel_Sat.i, tunnel_Sat.e and Mont_Terri.msh" are related to the large scale model. The files "overcoring11_Sat.i, overcoring11_Sat.e and overcoring2.msh" are related to the overcoring FE model with one-phase fluid (Scenario 1). The files "overcoring11_unsat3.i, overcoring11_unsat3.e and overcoring2.msh" are related to the overcoring FE model with two-phase fluid (Scenario 2). The files "overcoring11.i, overcoring11.e and overcoring2.msh" are related to the overcoring FE model with cavitation effects (Scenario 3).

Steps to reproduce

The input files can be run using the open-source code "MOOSE Framework" version 2019. The post-processing of output files can be done by "Paraview" version 5.8. "***.i" ---- Input file "***.e" ---- Output file "***.msh" ---- Mesh file


Bubble Pressure Tensiometer, Multiphase Flow in Porous Medium, Tunneling, Finite Element Modeling, Unsaturated Soil


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Version 4

HM-B Experiment at Mont Terri URL (Experimental Data and Numerical Models)

Published:9 March 2021|Version 4|DOI:10.17632/vnkpx3n6kh.4
Contributors:Kavan Khaledi, Pooya Hamdi, Lisa Winhausen, Mohammadreza Jalali,
, Florian Amann


The "HM-B experiment" folder contains the measured pore pressure data during the overcoring experiement presented in K. Khaledi, H. Hamdi, L. Winhausen, M. Jalali and F. Amann, "Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Analysis of an Overcoring Experiment in Opalinus Clay- Part 1: Experimental Results", which has been submitted for possible publication in Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth. The "Numerical_Simulation" folder contains the setup and the results of the numerical models presented in K. Khaledi, H. Hamdi, L. Winhausen, M. Jalali and F. Amann, "Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Analysis of an Overcoring Experiment in Opalinus Clay- Part 2: Numerical Simulation", which has been submitted for possible publication in Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth. The files "tunnel_Sat.i, tunnel_Sat.e and Mont_Terri.msh" are related to the large scale model. The files "overcoring11_Sat.i, overcoring11_Sat.e and overcoring2.msh" are related to the overcoring FE model with one-phase fluid (Scenario 1). The files "overcoring11_unsat3.i, overcoring11_unsat3.e and overcoring2.msh" are related to the overcoring FE model with two-phase fluid (Scenario 2). The files "overcoring11.i, overcoring11.e and overcoring2.msh" are related to the overcoring FE model with cavitation effects (Scenario 3).

Steps to reproduce

The input files can be run using the open-source code "MOOSE Framework" version 2019. The post-processing of output files can be done by "Paraview" version 5.8. "***.i" ---- Input file "***.e" ---- Output file "***.msh" ---- Mesh file


Bubble Pressure Tensiometer, Multiphase Flow in Porous Medium, Tunneling, Finite Element Modeling, Unsaturated Soil


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International