Financial resilience in Mexican college students

Published: 11 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cp27yppcwp.1
Josefina C. Santana


Financial resilience is a phenomenon of increasing academic interest. There has been significant progress in research literature, where various impacts are measured, ranging from knowledge, behavior, and culture to financial skills. This study contributes evidence of how students perceive financial resilience based on their perception, lived experiences, and actions taken to confront any recent adverse financial situation they may have encountered. Mexican college students from both public and private universities (N=256) responded to a survey based on the by Flores et al. (2024), developed from the financial health indicators proposed by the Center for Education and Financial Capabilities of BBVA (2020) in line with the Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI). Findings reveal a three-factor model explaining perception towards financial health indicators, with lived experiences and resilient actions taken when facing adverse financial situations. The three-dimensional model is not fully supported, as indicators that do not favor the final model due to low factorial loads are excluded. Responses are in Spanish.



Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico, Universidad Cristobal Colon


Finance, Resilience
