Supplemental Data for "Cost/Benefit Assessment of Green Infrastructure: Spatial Scale Effects on Uncertainty and Sensitivity"
Published: 24 September 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/cp4kg5jf9p.2
Bardia HeidariDescription
This data provides supplemental output data for the Monte Carlo analysis for the uncertainty analysis pertaining to benefit and costs associated with the GI implementation in different subwatersheds in the Dead Run case study watershed in the state of Maryland, as described by Heidari et al. (n.d.). Heidari et al. present the conclusions drawn from the results in the "Cost/Benefit Assessment of Green Infrastructure: Spatial Scale Effects on Uncertainty and Sensitivity", which is under review as of June 2021.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Southern Methodist University Bobby B Lyle School of Engineering
Cost Benefit Analysis, Watershed Management