Phylogeny, species delimitation, and biogeographical history of Bredia
### Genomic_dataset.vcf.gz Description: VCF file of the genomic dataset, generated by mapping whole-genome resequencing data of 158 samples to the reference genome of Bredia hirsuta, further filtered based on hard filtering by GATK and linkage disequilibrium (LD) by Plink. ### Plastome_alignment.fasta Description: Alignment of 158 plastomes of Bredia using MAFFT. Only one copy of the inverted repeat (IR) region was used in the final alignment. ### SCO_CDS_dataset.fasta.tar.xz Description: FASTA file of coding sequence (CDS) of 1,798 single-copy ortholog (SCO) dataset, generated by using the consensus option to replace corresponding positions of the reference genome with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) information of each sample by BCFtools. ### SCO_SNP_dataset.vcf.gz Description: VCF file of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of 1,798 single-copy ortholog (SCO) dataset, extracted from the genomic SNP dataset without linkage disequilibrium (LD) pruning by BCFtools.