NOMADeAPP Mixed LBP dataset

Published: 12 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cphy3v5pwr.1
Paul Thiry


The aim of this heterogeneous dataset (quantitative and qualitative data) is to assess the added value (analysis methodology) in phenotyping patients with chronic non-specific low back pain (CNSLBP). This dataset comes from 41 CNSLBP patients included in an original pilot cohort study.


Steps to reproduce

Clinical history and physical examination data were digitized via NOMADeApp (). Validated questionnaire scores were also collected via NOMADeApp. Kinematic data from 3 NOMADe inertial sensors placed opposite the Th12 and S2 vertebrae and on the lateral aspect of the thigh (10 cm below the greater trochanter) were recorded at 100Hz for over 70 s. On these kinematic data, from the 10th to the 70th s we calculated in R the Sample Entropy and the standard deviation for each axis. All clinical data from the NOMADEApp and those calculated in R from NOMADe sensor data were transferred to an Excel sheet. Patients were numbered by two capital letters. The first corresponds to the hospital in which they were recruited (J, M ou T), and the second to the order in which they were recruited in the corresponding hospital (A, B, ...).


Physical Therapy
