Data for: Effects of Coconut Oil Effluent (ICE) Irrigation practice on Some Soil Chemical Properties and Nutrients composition of Talinum Fruticosum (L.).

Published: 18 December 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cpjhsm2vm6.1


The recognition of the positive health impacts of coconut oils is growing stronger by the day, therefore demand will become on a steady increase. This will no doubt increase the production and discharge of industrial coconut oil effluent (ICE) into the environment. Therefore, the present study investigated the effect of ICE irrigation on some soil chemical properties and nutrient composition/uptake of Talinum fruticosum.


Steps to reproduce

The coconut oil effluent applied was diluted as follows: 0% (100 ml tap water), 20% (20 ml effluent + 80 ml tap water), 40% (40 ml effluent + 60 ml tap water), 60% (60 ml effluent + 40 ml tap water), 80% (80 ml effluent + 20 ml tap water), and 100% (100 ml effluent). The seedlings were transplanted four weeks after germination into 180 polythene bags each containing 2 kg of amended soil. Transplanting was done in the evening to avoid excessive effect of transpiration on the seedlings. The plants were watered with tap water at an interval of two days for two weeks for the seedlings to stabilize before application of effluent. One hundred milliliters of the effluent concentrations were applied on the seedlings after 4 weeks of transplanting at the concentrations of 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. Irrigation was done at an interval of two days for 12 weeks. The soil was analyzed in Department of Soil Science, UNN. Some selected soil chemical properties such as soil pH, nitrogen, phosphorus and exchangeable cations (K, Ca and Mg) were determined by leaching method (AOAC, 2002). The pH of samples was measured with a glass probe pH meter. The total nitrogen was determined using the modified Kjeldahl digestion method. The available phosphorus (mg/100mg) was determined using Bray method.


Pollutant, Agricultural Soil, Effluent
