Datasets: Multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental record of coastal tectonic uplift and abandonment (ca. 6th c. CE) of Lechaion’s inner harbour, Ancient Corinth (Greece)
Published: 1 July 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cr9mrkt9cx.1
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Micropalaeontological and isotopic datasets used in "Multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental record of coastal tectonic uplift and abandonment (ca. 6th c. CE) of Lechaion’s inner harbour, Ancient Corinth (Greece)", by Nicholas L. Riddick, Joseph I. Boyce, Eduard G. Reinhardt, Richard M. Rothaus, Krista Chomicki and Francine M.G. McCarthy. Submitted to Quaternary Science Reviews.
McMaster University
Isotope Geochemistry, Micropaleontology, Geoarchaeology