LiDAR intensity and turbidity dataset in water

Published: 3 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/crkjchmtx5.1


Data series of measurements of the intensity of a LiDAR by means of the variation of the water level in a tank and turbidity are presented. The experiment consists of measuring the ability of a LiDAR Sick 2D LMS500-20000 PRO to scan the cross section of a tank, varying the water level and its turbidity. For this purpose, three types of clays were tested: white, green and red, which were used to induce the variation of turbidity in the water. The dataset was curated and hosted by the Hydraulic Laboratory at the Universidad de Ibagué, in collaboration with researchers from the Electronic and Civil Engineering Department and the Faculty of Forestry Engineering at the Universidad del Tolima in Colombia. The data was generated under laboratory conditions during the period January to March 2023. The purpose of creating this dataset is assess LiDAR's ability to scan wet cross sections under diferent turbidity conditions and levels of the water. The information can be useful for researchers in water resources and hydraulics instrumentation.


Steps to reproduce

The database is arranged in three columns: Water depth in meters, turbidity in UNT, and LiDAR intensity. Series are available for three types of clays: white, green and red under which turbidity was induced. The information is in Office Excel format.


Universidad de Ibague, Universidad del Tolima


Hydraulics, Electronic Engineering, Lidar, Surface Hydrological Instrument, Applied Hydrology


Universidad del Tolima


Universidad de Ibagué

