Brake Wear Particle Emission Factors from Dynamometer Tests
Published: 10 September 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/crxjtgk5bg.1
, Description
This dataset is aimed at enhancing the value of the existing studies to support brake wear particle (BWP) emission model development. It reviews and summaries BWP emission factors (EF) and detailed information of test settings, instruments, and drive cycle parameters from dynamometer tests in the last two decades, with a specific focus on PM10 and PM2.5. The dataset includes three files: 1) Data Dictionary: detailed definitions and explanations of items and the data collection criteria; 2) Summary-BWP EF: BWP EF (PM10 and PM2.5) data and corresponding test settings from 17 selected articles; and 3) Summary-Drive Cycles: detailed braking (stop) profiles and their summarized parameters.
Southeast University
Meta-Analysis, Emission Factor