NOMAD LNO channel nadir data CO2 ice investigation [Dataset]
The seasonal maps of the Ice Index and SAM similarity Index, and the longitude-latitude map of LNO order 189 observations (taken at wavelength = 2.35 microns), described in Oliva et al. (2022) paper entitled "Martian CO2 ice observation at high spectral resolution with ExoMars/TGO NOMAD", are provided in binary BSQ (band sequential) format, and can be opened with any data processing language (e.g. IDL, MATLAB). An header file (.hdr) is also provided for direct access to the maps through the ENVI software (Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Boulder, Colorado). Each file contains the map and the corresponding geometry bins (e.g. longitude, latitude and solar longitude). LNO order 189 spectra in Figure 5 (blue line, upper panel) and Figure 8 (black line, panel A) from Oliva et al. (2022) are provided in ASCII format with labelled columns.
Steps to reproduce
The provided dataset has been obtained by processing NOMAD LNO channel nadir data acquired between March 2018 and February 2020, as described in the paper by Oliva et al. (2022) - "Martian CO2 ice observation at high spectral resolution with ExoMars/TGO NOMAD" (see Sections 2.2, 2.3, 4.1, 4.2 for details). The processing has been performed through the IDL data language and ENVI software (Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Boulder, Colorado). See the file "Oliva_et_al_2022_DATA_README_v2.txt" for details.