GatorByte - Dashboard, Server, and MQTT broker
Title: GatorByte – An Internet of Things-based Low-Cost, Compact, And Real-time Water Resource Monitoring Buoy Abstract: Water-quality monitoring systems available today are usually expensive and have low-temporal resolution and lack spatial dimension entirely. These systems are typically available as stations or handheld devices. Pinpointing sources of pollution using these systems is difficult. This project involves developing a high-resolution free-flowing monitoring buoy that records spatiotemporal water-quality data. The system is highly customizable, and even users with limited experience in programming or electronics can tailor GatorByte for their needs. The platform includes a datalogger, cloud-based server, and visualization tools. The datalogger uses low-cost sensors, electronic peripherals, a 3D-printed enclosure, and Printed Circuit Boards, bringing the cost per unit under $1000. The datalogger uses an NB-IoT-capable Arduino for real-time reporting and visualizing sensor data. The GatorByte records physiochemical water metrics – pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, electroconductivity, and the current location of the buoy using a GPS module. The datalogger also includes micro-SD storage, and Bluetooth module for on-field diagnostics. Using GatorByte buoy, collection of variations in water quality data in temporal as well as spatial dimension can be achieved in a cost-effective and reliable manner, enabling quick detection and resolution of pollution events. Description: This repository contains the source for the GatorByte dashboard, the web server, and the MQTT broker.
Steps to reproduce
Open command line, and navigate to "server" and "broker" folders (one at a time) and issue the command “npm -i” in each folder to install dependencies. Use the command "npm start" to run the application. Install "forever" from "" to run the apps in the background.