Analysis of the Business Model Archetypes in the Sharing Economy in Spain, 2020
This dataset consists of three files, the first is an Excel (Firms_SEBM.xlsx) with the data collection of Sharyng Economy companies in Spain for further study. The second, (ChiSquare_Analysis.pdf), is a pdf containing the results of the correlation analysis between the defining variables of Sharing Economy Business Model in Spain using the chi-square statistic. The inputs to this analysis are the data contained in the first file, Firms_SEBM.xlsx. The statistic has been applied for each pair of variables. As a result of this analysis the correlated variables have been eliminated. The third file is called Results-Cluster-two-steps.pdf and contains the results of the application of the two-step clustering algorithm to the identification of business model archetypes in the Sharing Economy in Spain, 2020. This analysis has allowed to establish 6 archetypes of business models in the sharing economy in Spain. The statistical program SPSS version 26 was used.
Steps to reproduce
Se ha utilizado el paquete estadístico SPSS versión 26