Sustainability of Mexican Electric System
The complete data updated to 2022 of all the generating sources of electrical energy in Mexico, registered in the Energy Information System and the Program for the Development of the National Electrical System (PRODESEN) of the Government of Mexico, are presented. In addition, a code of an optimization process elaborated with Macros in Excel is included, which was used to arrive at the results shown in the article "Possible viable development paths for the Mexican Energy Transition"
Steps to reproduce
Algorithm user manual. The algorithm works automatically after a series of criteria are met: 1) The target cell, PC11, refers to the sum of CO2 emissions; it can be changed to any into the range given by CO11:CS11 2) The number of periods to calculate within the algorithm can be an integer from 1 to n. 3) The column that gives the order of priority. Column 87 refers to CO2. Supports integer values from 86 to 90. The rest of the parameters are provided to the algorithm through the tables: a) "Demand forecast", DK1:DL6: These are the growth forecasts expected for the system. b) "Technology", DE2:DH19: These are the growths of each technology within one of the three scenarios. Namely: Maximum of three years, Minimum of three years, or average. c) "Scenarios", CW1:DA25: It is the combination of System Growth and scenarios that the algorithm analyzes through the n years requested by the user. d) "Parameters", CG12:CN24: They are a series of constants, obtained from different sources, on costs, emissions, and type of technology available in the electrical system. The algorithm runs through 24 scenarios for n years when the button is pressed "Maquilador". If the user wants to run only one scenario, it is necessary: I. Push the button "Restablecer". II. Push the button “Optimizador crecimiento”. It is noted that the algorithm is made as a series of Excel macros, which are available in the file, without blocking of any kind. The algorithm performs the following optimization: 1. Copy the current production values of the Mexican system from CE13:CF24. Then, the formulas call the values of emissions, costs, and classification of each type of energy. 2. Carry out a cycle from scenario 1 to 24 through an optimization and growth process for n years a. Place the optimization parameters of the scenario from the table "Scenarios". b. Restores original growth values. c. Depending on the scenario, order the technologies according to the chosen column, from 86 to 90. d. Optimizes energy use according to the criteria established in the scenario of CO11:CS11. e. Prepare the report for that year of each of the emissions, costs, and classification by technology. f. Calculate the size of the production capacity from the previous year times the annual growth factor of the scenario. g. Each technology grows following its growth factor according to the scenario until the sum of the installed capacities equals the annual growth of the scenario. If system growth is reached before all technologies grow, the remaining technologies remain uncrowded. The values are taken from "Technologies". h. h. Classify the technologies and add the energy produced by clean energies and the rest. 3. Place the results for the desired n years on the sheet with the name of the analyzed scenario.