Article Data: Characterization of a HPHT Boron Ion-Implanted Diamond X-ray Mirror following High Vacuum Annealing

Published: 7 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cthpkk4dp9.1


This collection contains processed data files to accompany the paper "Characterization of a HPHT Boron Ion-Implanted Diamond X-ray Mirror following High Vacuum Annealing" by R. A. Margraf-O’Neal, M. D. Ynsa,J. Krzywinski, M. L. Ng, J. P. MacArthur, F. Ke,Y. Zhong, S.-K. Mo, P. Pradhan, R. Robles, A. Robert, T. Sato, D. Zhu, A. Halavanau, G. Marcus. This paper will be published in "Diamond and Related Materials" in 2024. Bdoped_Figs.ipynb is a Jupyter Notebook File that can be used to generate the figures in the paper. Each folder contains the processed data files that were used to generate the corresponding figures. Please use these files by running Bdoped_Figs.ipynb. For convenience, the 2D data represented in the figures of the paper can also be found in the Excel file "2D Source Data.xlsx."



SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, E O Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Stanford University, RIKEN Global Research Cluster


Materials Science, Accelerator Physics


U.S. Department of Energy


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

PID2020-112770RB-309 C22/MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033
