Supporting data for 'Reducing the cold bias over the Tibetan Plateau in WRF model by implementing snow coverage-topography relationship and shallow snow albedo scheme'
Published: 30 May 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/ctpz33f59r.2
This is the simulation data supporting the submission 'Reducing the cold bias over the Tibetan Plateau in WRF model by implementing snow coverage-topography relationship and shallow snow albedo scheme' . The simulation data was archived in Netcdf format. Naming rule: wrfout_d01_[yyyy]_[mm], [yyyy] is the year, [mm] is the month, 'mm' denotes monthly mean, 'miss2500' denotes the data are masked by 2500 m terrain elevation.
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research Chinese Academy of Sciences
Numerical Modeling