Data for: SpToll1 and SpToll2 modulate the expression of antimicrobial peptides in Scylla paramamosain

Published: 22 June 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cv6nj3hgbf.1
shengkang li, Yan CHEN, Jude Juventus AWEYA, Yi GONG, Xiaoyuan WEI, Yueling Zhang, Hongyu Ma, Wanwei SUN, Xiaobo Wen


This data-in-Brief file included the tissue expression data of SpToll2 (Fig.2), the immune challenge data of SpToll1 and SpToll2(Fig.3-A-G), the RNAi assay data of SpToll1 and SpToll2(Fig.6-A-F), bacteria clearance assay data of SpToll1 and SpToll2 (Fig.7) and the overexpression data of SpToll1 and SpToll2 (Fig.8). In addtion, the supplementary figures in three single word documents named Fig.S1, Fig.S2, Fig.S3 were also included.



Marine Biology
