The Stage of Implementations of E-Libraries and its Challenges in Nigeria Higher Education Institutions in the 21st Century
The Stage of Implementations of E-libraries and its Challenges in Nigeria Higher Education Institutions in the 21st Century By 1Obande Bonnie Obeka Margaret Lawrence University Galilee, Delta State 07038769657 And 2Helen Emmanuel Margaret Lawrence University Galilee, Delta State 08035867879 ABSTRACT Study Purpose: The study aims to examine the stage of implementation of e-libraries initiativesand their challenges in Nigerian higher educational institutions in the 21st Century. The specific objectives of the study were to explore the level of functionality of e-libraries and their challenges in academic libraries. Methodology: Thework adopted a literature-based approach to examine the stage of implementation of E-libraries and its challenges in Nigerian higher education institutions in the 21st century. From a careful review literature, the study denotes the level of e-libraries implementations in Nigeria's higher institutions. Findings: Findings from the study revealed thate-libraries improve the credence of library services and operation in the academic environment as they enhance collaboration among academics globally surmounting distance bearers. The study further shows that e-libraries inthe information era or knowledge society have revolutionizedlibrarians and their servicesfrom the analog way of thinking to a more proactive one with less time demanded in addressing institutional needs.Inadequate funding, poor maintenance culture, poor infrastructure, digitization of contents, poor staff development, and lackof recognition of library worth are the challenges associated with the implementation of e-libraries in Nigerian institutions. Implications:The findings of the study can be used to improve and solve the challenges of poor implementations of e-libraries in the higher educational systems of the nation. As ifnothing is done to leverage the potential of e-libraries and other advanced smart technologies in deploying their operations and services in this era compared to the counterpart developed countries, the Nigeria libraries may become a shadow of its reflection as the knowledge bank for wealth creation. Keywords: Electronic library, Higher Educational Institutions, Challenges, Implementations,Developing Countries,21st Century.