Prevalence and Risk Factors of Addiction within Aged Rural People in Fars Province, Iran
Substance misuse is one of the health issues and problems of elderly people at the later life which has not been considered competently in aging science as well. There is low knowledge and insufficiency investigative data within physicians and psychotherapists who work in elderly community regarding this phenomenon. Having knowledge and instrument on measurement of Addiction in Aging is vital. Rural areas are a pristine and intact context where gerontologists could be trained to investigate issues and older adults' problems. The study was aimed to investigate addiction in the later life in rural community. In a cross sectional study, about 326 middle older adults (Male 150 & Female 176) who aged 60 years ole and above were chosen via snowball sampling technique. Bootstrap simulation technique boosted the sample size to a thousand older adults. They are covered by rural health administrations in Fath-Abad rural communities of Tadevan area in southern Iran, 2017. Using ANOVA, independent t test, and x^2, data was analyzed by IBM-SPSS version 23. The instrument was of questionnaire consumption alcohol, cigarette and other substance organization world health (ASSIST-WHO, V. 3.0, 20017).
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During 2018, by a MSc. held interviewee in Health Sci. in south Iran. n= 326 middle older adults (Male 150 & Female 176). The file is in format of IBM-SPSS version 23.