Broadband complex reflection coefficient and permittivity with open-ended coaxial probes and coaxial cell by using different shorting calibration standards
This dataset includes broadband reflection coefficient data measured with different open-ended coaxial probes and a coaxial cell from 2 MHz to 6 GHz and an Anritsu MS2026A Vector Network Analyzer. The media under test are air, reverse osmosis water, high purity isopropanol, high purity methanol, six types of shorting standards applied at a range of pressures and a wet sample of a silt-loam soil. The dataset also includes the estimated broadband complex permittivity of isopropanol after applying the empirical Open-Water-Short calibration by using the different shorting standards at the different applied pressures. Further detail can be found in the article with title "Conductive Silver Fabric as a Shorting Calibration Standard for Dielectric Coaxial Probes" in the journal "Measurement".
Steps to reproduce
Details in "Conductive Silver Fabric as a Shorting Calibration Standard for Dielectric Coaxial Probes" in the journal "Measurement".
Utah Agricultural Experiment Station