Broadband complex reflection coefficient and permittivity with open-ended coaxial probes and coaxial cell by using different shorting calibration standards

Published: 22 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cvjkkns97g.1
Juan D González-Teruel,


This dataset includes broadband reflection coefficient data measured with different open-ended coaxial probes and a coaxial cell from 2 MHz to 6 GHz and an Anritsu MS2026A Vector Network Analyzer. The media under test are air, reverse osmosis water, high purity isopropanol, high purity methanol, six types of shorting standards applied at a range of pressures and a wet sample of a silt-loam soil. The dataset also includes the estimated broadband complex permittivity of isopropanol after applying the empirical Open-Water-Short calibration by using the different shorting standards at the different applied pressures. Further detail can be found in the article with title "Conductive Silver Fabric as a Shorting Calibration Standard for Dielectric Coaxial Probes" in the journal "Measurement".


Steps to reproduce

Details in "Conductive Silver Fabric as a Shorting Calibration Standard for Dielectric Coaxial Probes" in the journal "Measurement".


Utah State University, China Agricultural University, Natural Environment Research Council


Dielectrics, Dielectric Spectroscopy, Silver, Probe, Instrument Calibration, Probe Calibration, Capacitance Sensor, Permittivity


Utah Agricultural Experiment Station
