Adaptable Three-pin Skull Clamp for Large Animal Research

Published: 4 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cvr77cr6ry.1
Maxwell Lohss


Design files for building an adjustable three-pin skull clamp surgical system for animal research. Files are available as PDFs for engineering drawings, Solidworks files (.SLDPRT,.SLDDRW,.SLDASM), and STEP files for general CAD use. System was designed for neurobiological researchers using large animal models to practice surgical approaches identical to those performed in humans. The system is highly adjustable, also allowing researchers to attempt novel surgical approaches.


Steps to reproduce

All raw materials were purchased from McMaster-Carr (McMaster-Carr Supply Company, OH, USA) and machined at Precision Carbide Tooling (Precision Carbide Tooling, Inc., PA, USA). For the original protype, all parts were machined manually using a 1980 Graziano SAG 12 Toolroom Lathe and a 1980 Excello 602 Mill. Parts can be reproduced using a standard machine shop and/or Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) equipment. All design files should be referenced for design dimensions. When manufacturing components, abide by all safety precautions of the machine shop.


University of Pittsburgh


Surgery, Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering, Anatomical Technique in Neurobiology, Medical Device, Animal Skeletal Fixation, Animal Neurobiology


Research to Prevent Blindness
