Ulrich, Web of Science and Scopus Global Journal Coverage Data: Classification by Regions

Published: 17 April 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/cvx3f5bk4p.2
Toluwase Asubiaro,


Introduction: These datasets contain information about journals in the eight regions of the world based on United Nations SDG classification (Central& Southern Asia, Europe, Eastern &South Eastern Asia, Latin America, North Africa& Western Asia, Oceania, North America and Sub-Saharan Africa) that are indexed in Web of Science/Scopus and are available in Ulrich periodical directory. The datasets were created by matching Ulrich journal information with journal information from Web of Science and Scopus. Data Creation: A single Web of Science master journal list was created for SSCI, SCI, AHCI and ESCI by combining and removing duplicate records from their lists; the Web of Science master journal contained 21,908 unique journals. Only active scholarly journals from Scopus were included in this study; i.e. duplicates, all inactive sources, trade journals, book series, monographs and conference proceedings were removed. 26,029 active journals of the 43,013 sources in Scopus were included. Journal lists from 239 countries were collected from Ulrich comprehensive periodical directory and analyzed by region. After removal of duplicates, this generated a database of 83,429 unique active academic journals. To compile regional and global datasets, duplicate journals in the regional and global levels, respectively, were removed. The master journal lists created from Web of Science, Scopus and Ulrich were transferred to an SQL database for querying. Journal matching was carried out in two steps. Firstly, the ISSN numbers of journals in Web of Science and Scopus were used to match journal records to Ulrich. In the second step, the remaining journals were then matched using their titles, and these matches were manually verified to reduce the chances of false positives. Using these two steps, we were able to match 20,255 (92.46%) of the journals in Web of Science, and 23,349 (89.70%) of the academic journals from Scopus, with Ulrichsweb journal list.



Asia, Northern Africa, Subsaharan Africa, Europe, North America, Scholarly Communication, Oceania, Scholarship, Academic Assessment, Impact Evaluation
