Environmental Sensory Tendencies Dataset

Published: 22 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cwbf2z7tch.1


This dataset was conducted to investigate the profound impact of human activities on the environment, based on scientific data, recognizing the potential of environmental problems to turn into devastating crises if appropriate measures are not taken. It emphasizes the important role of education in developing environmental awareness, knowledge and sensitivity to counter adverse environmental consequences. For this purpose, a dataset was created for the emotional tendencies of university students, who represent a demographic that has the potential to influence the sustainable future of the world. A survey data including 33 different variables was collected from 388 university students in Turkey. Environmental Sensory Tendencies Dataset is intended to provide valuable guidance for the development of effective environmental education programs and policies aimed at increasing university students' awareness and participation in environmental issues. Our research underlines the vital importance of developing responsible attitudes and behaviors to effectively address environmental challenges and thereby contribute to a healthier and more sustainable global ecosystem. This study will make a significant contribution to the literature and highlight the interconnection between human actions and environmental well-being.


Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce


Konya Teknik Universitesi, Necmettin Erbakan Universitesi


Artificial Intelligence, Education, Climate Classification, Machine Learning, Classification System, Environmental Challenge, Analysis of Education, Environmentalism, Deep Learning, Classifier Evaluation
