Feeling touch through a mirror: the role of vision and body ownership in generating non-veridical tactile experiences_DATA
This dataset is linked to the study "Feeling touch through a mirror: the role of vision and body ownership in generating non-veridical tactile experiences." It includes behavioral and electrodermal activity (EDA) data from an experiment using the Tactile Quadrant Stimulation (TQS) protocol combined with a mirror box illusion paradigm. This study explores synchiric errors and mislocalization errors under three experimental conditions: Baseline, Mirror Condition Vision, and Mirror Condition Blind. The dataset is divided into three files: VTQS_COMPLETE_DATA: Full dataset with all collected data, including unprocessed variables and outliers. VTQS_MAIN_ANALYSIS_DATA: Preprocessed dataset excluding outliers, focusing on variables relevant to the main findings, such as error types and their distribution across conditions. VTQS_SUPPLEMENTARY_DATA: Preprocessed dataset excluding outliers, containing variables detailed in the supplementary materials. These files enable replication of the analyses in the main paper and supplementary materials and provide additional opportunities for secondary analyses.
Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca