Cyber-physical systems descriptive production characteristics

Published: 14 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cxjghs923t.1
Benjamin Illmer


This network-based visualization is published in a contribution to the 53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2020 called Cyber-physical systems and production characteristics - classification and visualization of relationships. This publication, emphasis is placed on aiming for a qualitative assessment by visualizing the network of keywords related to each other and mentioned across sources. Thus, it is not counted how often two words in combination occur in sum in all sources, but how many references make the same statement about the relationship of researched keywords. The statement is about which production characteristics are linked to cyber-physical systems. Keywords that are closer to each other indicate that more references making the same statement.


Steps to reproduce

The development of this network-based visulization is outlined in the contribution to the 53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2020 called Cyber-physical systems and production characteristics - classification and visualization of relationships.


Universitat des Saarlandes


Cyber-Physical System
