Physical match demand in the FIFA World Cup: A comparison between 2018 (Russia) and 2022 (Qatar) editions

Published: 12 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/cxn5pncbk5.1
Rodolfo Andre Dellagrana,


This study aimed to evaluate the physical performance of teams in terms of running disparities between the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. The number of sprints and top speeds achieved by players in the 2022 World Cup has significantly increased compared to the 2018 World Cup. All player positions exhibited a greater distance covered during the 2022 World Cup compared to the 2018 World Cup. When examining the interaction between Cup and Outcome, only total distance (F = 5.831, p = 0.003) and distance Z1 (F = 15.488, p <0.001) showed statistical differences. These findings elucidate that more total distance was covered during draws, with higher values observed in the 2022 World Cup. Thus, the study concludes that the 2022 Qatar FIFA World Cup presented a higher physical match demand compared to the 2018 Russia FIFA World Cup.


Steps to reproduce

The 2022 Qatar World Cup was conducted under unique circumstances, setting it apart from previous editions due to schedule and rule modifications. This study aimed to evaluate the physical performance of teams in terms of running disparities between the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. Match performance data were obtained from the official websites of the 2018 Russia World Cup (FIFA, 2018) and the 2022 Qatar World Cup (FIFA, 2022). Match outcomes included losses (n = 729 player observations), draws (n = 339 player observations), or wins (n = 746 player observations). The Mann-Whitney U test was utilized to compare the physical demands during the 2018 Russia World Cup and the 2022 Qatar World Cup. Effect sizes (ES) were calculated, and interpretations followed Cohen's criteria (>0.2 small; >0.50, moderate; >0.80 large; >1.30 very large). A significance level of 5% was applied to all statistical analyses.


Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul


Physical Education, FIFA World Cup, Soccer
