Shellter project database - The Potential Use of Waste from Shellfish Aquaculture in the Production of New Construction Materials
The Shellter project was a collaboration between Instituto Superior Técnico, the University of Lisbon, and the Norwegian company Nofima, funded by the EEA Grants Bilateral Relations Fund—the project aimed to evaluate the potential for integrating oyster shells into the production of construction materials. Two surveys were conducted across two countries: the first in Portugal from April 15 to 21, 2023, and the second in Norway from June 19 to 21, 2024. The data collection in Portugal focused on characterizing the shellfish circuit in Portugal’s Algarve region and exploring the potential use of oyster shells within the country. This survey covered several key dimensions related to bivalve shells, including the availability of waste and the feasibility of its reuse. It also aimed to identify potential stakeholders interested in transforming this waste into new construction materials, potentially leading to innovations in the circular economy. In Norway, the data collection focused on the construction industry and academia to understand their perceptions of reusing shells in construction. The survey aimed to gauge respondents' views on product reuse and the promotion of circularity, as well as to assess their willingness and intention to engage in a more circular economy.
EEA Grants/Norway Grants