R code for "Left out in the cold"
Title: R code used for research for the article Left out in the cold: the impact of fuel poverty on mental and physical health. Version: 1.0 Date of release 2019/8/31 ***** These files are the R code files only. The data itself must be downloaded from the UK Data Service. More information can be found here: https://www.understandingsociety.ac.uk/documentation/access-data The relevant datasets are: 6614 Understanding Society: Waves 1-8, 2009-2017 and Harmonised BHPS: Waves 1-18, 1991-2009. 7251 Understanding Society: Waves 2-3 Nurse Health Assessment, 2010-2012. Alternatively reduced datasets are available on request from the corresponding author (Gervase Poulden). The R files are as follows: "Left out in the cold Mainsurvey Datacleaned" contains and the code for cleaning the main survey data. "Left out in Mainsurvey Dataanalysis.R" contains the code for the regressions and tables. "Left out in cold Nursesurvey Datacleaned.R" is the file for cleaning data from the nurse assessment. "Left out in Nursessurvey Dataanalysis.R" contains the code for the regressions and tables. Contact information: Gervase Poulden and Anke Plagnol, City, University of London gervase.poulden@city.ac.uk or poulden@hotmail.com and Anke.Plagnol.1@city.ac.uk.