Data for: The Ins and Outs of Involuntary Part-time Employment
Data of: The Ins and Outs of Involuntary Part-time Employment The content of each *_baseline MS Excel data file is as follows: time series of seasonally-adjusted stocks (normalized by the corresponding population size), and time-series of seasonally-adjusted transition probabilities, corrected for margin error and time aggregation bias. The content of each *_reclassified MS Excel data file is identical but transition probabilities are in addition adjusted for potentially spurious transitions. The data run from January 1976 through December 2019. Variable names: • F: Full-time employment. • V: Voluntary part-time employment. • I: Involuntary part-time employment. • S: Involuntary part-time employment, slack work. • C: Involuntary part-time employment, cannot find full-time job. • U: Unemployment. • N: Non-participation. • j_k: Transition probability from j to k. • Y: Year. • M: Month. Description of data files: • all_baseline.xls and all_reclassified.xls: time series for the working-age population. • men_baseline.xls and men_reclassified.xls: time series for working-age men. • women_baseline.xls and women_reclassified.xls: time series for working-age women.