Outdoor Parks in Newark, NJ

Published: 7 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/d23vtr26n3.1
Anna Beth Lee


The outdoor parks for this dataset were identified using Google Maps. Each data point was geocoded using the latitude and longitude points of each outdoor park that Google Maps identified as being a part of Newark and inputted into a spreadsheet. Using the NJ Municipalities layer on ArcGIS Pro helped to finalize the list, ensuring that each park point was inside the Newark boundary.


Steps to reproduce

Use Google Maps to identify these outdoor parks, searching "Parks in Newark". Next, click on the center of the space to create a reference point, which will provide the coordinates of its location. Copy and paste the latitude and longitude of each data point accordingly into two separate columns in a Google Sheet or Excel Spreadsheet. Save the file as a .csv. Imported this data into arcGIS Online or Pro as data entries and reflect the points on a map.


Drew University


Geographic Information System
