SHM: Consoli Palace 2021
Published: 21 January 2022| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/d25khz772v.3
Enrique Garcia-Macias, Description
Supplementary data from the article: Least Angle Regression for early-stage identification of earthquake-induced damage in a monumental masonry palace: Palazzo dei Consoli The provided material comprises the time series of experimentally identified resonant frequencies and mode shapes of the Consoli Palace in Gubbio (Italy), as well as the time series of environmental temperature and crack displacements of three thermocouples and two LVDTs. The material is intended to facilitate the scientific community to replicate some of the results presented in the publication mentioned above, as well as to test new damage identification techniques for civil engineering structures.
Universita degli Studi di Perugia
Pattern Recognition, Historical Building, Structural Health Monitoring, Modal Analysis