Task-dependent changes in the large-scale dynamics and necessity of cortical regions

Published: 29 August 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/d2dkk9647b.2
Lucas Pinto


These are source data for the main figures in the manuscript "Task-dependent changes in the large-scale dynamics and necessity of cortical regions ", by Pinto et al. (2019). Each figure has a data structure with panels as fields, and each panel contains xaxis, yaxis, and labels as appropriate. Inactivation data maps contain stereotaxic coordinates and pvalues instead, eg: % Fig 1, panel C (performance boxplots) % Fig1.panelC.visguided % Fig1.panelC.memguided % Fig1.panelC.accumtowers % Fig1.panelC.ylabel % % Fig 1, panel G (inactivation maps) % Fig1.panelG.gridCoord % Fig1.panelG.effectSize % Fig1.panelG.pvals contact Lucas Pinto lpinto@princeton.edu for further clarifications



Behavior, Calcium Imaging, Optogenetics
