Data for: Enhanced elastomer toughness and fracture properties imparted by chemically reactive flat nanoparticles

Published: 1 July 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/d2hvcm3f7j.1
, Monavareh Torabizadeh,


The files named "Fsweep_NAME", where "NAME" refers to NC45, NG45, CB45, CF45-PARL, CF45-PERP, and BASE, contain frequency-sweep dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) data acquired at 30 °C for the respective elastomers. Measurements were made in the dual-cantilever mode using a strain amplitude of 0.1%. The files named "Tsweep_NAME" contain temperature-sweep DMA data acquired at a constant heating rate of 3 °C/min, a strain amplitude of 0.1 %, and a strain frequency of 1 Hz. The files named "TENSILE_NAME" contain stress vs. strain data acquired on dumbbell specimens with a gauge length of 20 mm, a width of 2 mm, and a thickness of 2 mm, at a constant extension rate of 500 mm/min. The files named "CYCLIC_TENSILE_NAME" contain stress vs. strain data for these specimens using a triangular strain waveform, consisting of loading and unloading of the dumbbell specimen at a constant displacement rate of 50 mm/min. All the tensile testing data were acquired at room temperature. The files named "LOAD_DISP_NAME" contain normalized load vs. displacement data acquired on SENT specimens, as discussed in ref. 1. The load is normalized by the initial area of the uncracked ligament. The files named "R_CURVE_SENT_NAME" contain R-curve data for the SENT specimens. The normalized strain energy is obtained by dividing the strain energy, U, by the initial area of the uncracked ligament. All the fracture testing data were acquired at room temperature. Reference: 1. M. Torabizadeh, Z.A. Putnam, M. Sankarasubramanian, J.C. Moosbrugger, S. Krishnan, The effects of initial crack length on fracture characterization of rubbers using the j-integral approach, Polymer Testing, 73 (2019) 327-337.



Polymers, Elastomeric-Based Composites, Fracture, Viscoelasticity, Tensile Testing, Cyclic Loads, Glass Transition, Thermomechanical Property, R-Curves, J-Integral
