Dataset for: A spatial multi-criteria methodology for site selection of utility-scale renewable energy projects considering multiple renewable resources: A case in Bohol, Philippines
These datasets support the findings of the study titled “A spatial multi-criteria methodology for site selection of utility-scale renewable energy projects considering multiple renewable resources: A case in Bohol, Philippines”. This study aims to present a resource screening strategy that is capable of supporting multiple RE resources. By extending the grid to the areas with relatively high resource density, this procedure tends to level the development opportunities of RE resources in terms of grid connectivity. Using multi-criteria analysis, it was used to find the best location for the development of “renewable energy pools” in Bohol, Philippines. There are five files in this repository. The data with the filename “POAs Supply Curve” contains the supply curves of all Project Opportunity Areas (POAs) with and without grid extension. The land-use factor, unit installed capacity and several economic parameters necessary to generate these curves are also placed in this file. The data with the filename “REP ranking” contains the overall ranking of REPs in two criteria weighting scenarios (level and case study) with and without grid extension. Results of ranking changes within and across classes of REPs is also placed here. The data with the filename “Sensitivity Analysis” holds the results of the sensitivity analysis we conducted to test the ability of selected evaluation criteria to differentiate and rank REPs. The data with the filename “REP Energy Gen” contains several energy generation scenarios within and across classes of ranked REPs. The data with the filename “Data” contains the sources and description of datasets used in this study.