Ultra-small cobalt particles embedded in titania by ion beam synthesis: Additional datasets including electron microscopy, neutron reflectometry, modelling outputs and particle size analysis
The folders are labelled according to the descriptions given in the corresponding Data-In-Brief article. The folder “Dataset 2 Magnetometry data (Fig. 2, Fig. 3, and Fig. 4 in DIB article)’’ include .txt files corresponding to Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 in the DIB article. The folder “Datasets 3-4 Polarised neutron spin asymmetry with variable field and temperature (Figure 5 (a) and (b) in DIB article)", in which six .txt files are available for polarised neutron spin asymmetry with variable magnetic field and temperature. The folder “Dataset 5 PNR raw data from PLATYPUS reflectometer (Fig. 6 in DIB article)’’ includes four raw data text files, in which raw data for polarised neutron reflectometry was obtained on the PLATYPUS reflectometer corresponding to samples doped with 3.5 at% and 5 at% Co ions. These raw data correspond to figure 6 in the DIB article. The raw .hdf files and reduction script (.py) files are also provided. The folder “Dataset 6 Particle size distribution (Fig.7 in DIB article)’’ include both text files and an excel file. In the excel file, you may find particle size statistics at each heat-treatment temperature counted for 125 particles and particle size distribution histogram data corresponding to figure 7 in the DIB article. In addition, particles size distribution at each temperature is provided separately as .txt files. The folder ''Dataset 7 Output from numerical modelling of magnetic response" include modelling of FC ZFC curves in Figure 8. The folder ''Supplemental PNR raw data (Fig. 10 in the main article)" include PNR raw data files in txt. format corresponding to Figure 10 in the main article.