Cancellation culture, anti-establishment attitude, social values and dark personality

Published: 3 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/d2ymtmxrks.1
Miguel Clemente


This research aims to determine the attitude of young university students towards the political system, whether it is possible to create a scale that reflects this attitude, and the possible relationships of this attitude with the so-called dark personality and with social values. The hypotheses of the work are: - H1: Young people will have a negative attitude towards the legislature (parliament) and the judiciary, thinking that the only valuable power is the government, and associating the suffrage system with it. - H2: Young people will present a structure of democratic thinking that will include three components: the anti-system, those who think that power is the executive (H1), and those who think that power should be tripartite (executive, legislative and judicial). - H3: There will be a relationship between the dark personality variables and the attitude towards the political system, so that those who defend the anti-system will present higher levels of subclinical psychopathy, compared to those who defend the existence of a government or tripartite power. - H4: The predominant values among young people will be the so-called post-materialist values (freedom, equality, love...) as opposed to the materialist, hedonist and transcendentalist or religious ones.


Steps to reproduce

Participants were selected incidentally, using the so-called "snowball" procedure. The requirements for participation in the study were to be a university student and therefore of legal age. The sample consisted of 81 subjects, of whom 32.1% were male and 67.9% female. The mean age was 20.89 years (min. 18, max. 29, Sd = 4.89). All participants filled out an informed consent form, explaining the purpose of the research, as well as how they could revoke their consent at any time they wished. All agreed to participate in the study.


Universidade da Coruna


Social Psychology, Political Behavior
