The co-eruptive elevation change map and post-eruptive elevation change rate map associated with the 2008 eruption of Okmok
Here are the results in a paper entitled "Characterization of the 2008 phreatomagmatic eruption of Okmok from ArcticDEM and InSAR: deposition, erosion, and deformation" submitted to JGR Solid Earth in 2020. The main revision compared to version 1: This revision does not use one DEM (acquired on 15 May 2016) that was partly contaminated by clouds in the north flank of Ahmanilix. This revision mostly improves the result of the elevation change rate (rate.tif), but it also slightly changes the elevation change data and its corresponding uncertainties. It includes the 2-m resolution surface elevation change of the 2008 Okmok eruption (Fig. 3a in the paper) and the 2-m resolution post-eruptive elevation change rate map (Fig. 4), as well as the corresponding uncertainties (Fig. S3). It also includes the boundary of the proximal deposit field classified using a minimum elevation increase of 2 m, the boundary of large slope failure, and the shorelines of two lakes (Fig. 3a and S5) at different acquisition times. The GeoTIFF files can be viewed in free and open-source software QGIS, in Google Earth, or by Matlab using code The shapefiles can be viewed in QGIS. Google Earth may not show some of the shapefiles well.