#ExpolioGARA 2019.01.30 - 2019.02.08
Dataset that collects tweets between January 30th and February 8th in 2019 with Twarc. Twarc is a tool by Documenting the Now: http://www.docnow.io/#tools Gara newspaper was sentenced on January 30, 2019 to pay off the illegalized and closed Egin newspaper, according to Judge Baltasar Garzón. #expolioGARA - Who Said It First on Twitter http://ctrlq.org/first/154264-expoliogara/ GARA a Twitter: "#ExpolioGARA Máxima difusión Máxima difusión Máxima difusión… " https://twitter.com/garanet/status/1090689896434536448 El hastag #ExpolioGARA sigue sumando apoyos en la red | Eguneko gaiak | GARA https://www.naiz.eus/es/hemeroteca/gara/editions/2019-02-01/hemeroteca_articles/el-hastag-expoliogara-sigue-sumando-apoyos-en-la-red Hashtags: #ExpolioGARA Dates: 2019.01.30-2019.02.08 Number of Tweets: 30,461 Size (Hydrated): 212 megabytes
Steps to reproduce
Download & Install Twarc: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#install Download and archiving: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#usage twarc search '#ExpolioGARA since:2019-01-30 until:2019-02-08' > ExpolioGARA-search-2019.01.30-2019.02.08.jsonl And Hydrate the dataset: https://github.com/DocNow/twarc#hydrate twarc dehydrate ExpolioGARA-search-2019.01.30-2019.02.08.jsonl > ExpolioGARA-search-2019.01.30-2019.02.08-ids.txt